
I am a documentary filmmaker with experience directing, shooting, and editing both short and full-length videos. Visit my Vimeo page.

Co-Founder, Cine Catrina. This is a joint reel that includes work by Medhin Tewolde Serrano and myself.

Editor, 2012 The Mayan Word


Director, Las Chuntá (2016)

Selected documentary video credits:

Who Are the Zapatistas? 2014: 8:50min.
Edited short documentary offering an introduction to the Zapatista movement for young viewers. Part of Schools for Chiapas's Teach Chiapas video series. Available in both English and Spanish.
An Introduction to Zapatista Education 2014: 7:30min.
Edited short documentary about the Zapatista education system in Chiapas, Mexico. Part of Schools for Chiapas's Teach Chiapas video series. Available in both English and Spanish.

Women in the Zapatista Movement 2014: 6min. 
Edited short documentary about women's role in the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico. Part of Schools for Chiapas's Teach Chiapas video series. Available in both English and Spanish.

2012 The Mayan Word  2012: 64min.  
Spanish and English.
Editor of documentary about Mayan cosmology and social movements that reached over 500,000 viewers online. Available in English, Spanish, and French

Roudanez: History and Legacy  2015. English.
A series of short videos about the founder of America's First Black Daily Newspaper. Watch here.
La Calera y Cahuaré   2011: 30min. Spanish.
Wrote, filmed, and edited documentary as part of an effort to organize neighbors against a factory affecting local health and environment.

La Otra Comunicación  2009: 8min. Spanish with English, French, German, Italian subtitles. Edited and post-produced video on Zapatista community communication using archival footage. Distributed internationally in ProMedios de Comunicación Comunitaria’s VIZA: Videografia Zapatista compilation. Watch here in Spanish.

La Redada/The Raid  2007: 11min. Spanish with English subtitles.
Co-wrote, co-produced, and edited documentary on the impact of immigration raids in Portland, Oregon.

Galeano Vive! Painting a Zapatista Teacher 2015: 14 min. English
Narrated this short documentary, part of Schools for Chiapas' "Teach Chiapas" series. Watch here.

Silvicultores 2008: 5min. Spanish. 
Shot and edited coverage of statewide tree-farmers mobilization.

Carnaval, Tenejapa  2012: Shot and digitalized material for a doctorate thesis on the carnival celebration in Tenejapa, Chiapas, Mexico.

Tener Fuerzas  2010: 14min. Spanish
Wrote, filmed, and edited testimony of four women from Central America on their organizing experiences.